COVID-19 is placing stress on Canada's public health system. Our clinic is starting to offer virtual care to make sure that we can continue to care for our patients safely and effectively. This means that we will be using video and audio technologies for some patient visits rather than asking all patients to come into our office. Some of these technologies are provided by the Province. Others have been provided by vendors like Google, or Apple to help make discussions with your care provider as easy as possible during these difficult times. Some health concerns can be addressed with virtual care alone, but in some cases your doctor may ask you to visit a hospital or other health care facility if necessary, for a physical examination.

We do our best to make sure that any information you give to us during virtual care visits is private and secure, but no video or audio tools are ever completely secure. There is an increased security risk that your health information may be intercepted or disclosed to third parties when using video or audio communications tools. To help us keep your information safe and secure, you can:

Understand that emails, calls, or texts you receive are not secure in the same way as a private appointment in an exam room.

Use a private computer/device (i.e., not an employer's or third party's computer/device), secure accounts, and a secure internet connection. For example, using a personal and encrypted email account is more secure than an unencrypted email account, and your access to the Internet on your home network will generally be more secure than an open guest Wi-Fi connection.

You should also understand that electronic communication is not a substitute for in-person communication or clinical examinations, where appropriate, or for attending the Emergency Department when needed (including for any urgent care that may be required).

If you are concerned about using video or audio tools for virtual care, you can ask our office to arrange for you to visit a different healthcare provider or other health care center where you can be seen in person. However, please note that visiting a health care provider in person comes with a higher risk of coming into contact with COVID-19 and the possibility of spreading the virus.

By providing your information, you agree to let us collect, use, or disclose your personal health information through video or audio communications (while following applicable privacy laws) in order to provide you with care. In particular, the following means of electronic communication may be used (identify all that apply): email, videoconferencing (including Skype, Facetime, etc.), text messaging (including instant messaging), website/portal, OnCall.

April 1, 2020

A note to our patients. We have suspended all in-office visits at this time due to COVID 19. However, if you have an appointment currently booked with our office you will receive a call 2 days prior to that appointments. We will advise you how we will be able to proceed. Wishing you and your family safety and vitality during this challenging time.

If you need a renewal your prescriptions during the COVID-19 #stayathome period, please have your pharmacy fax your renewal request. Our fax number is 905-639-7647. Be well!

Update About Our Office During This Outbreak of Corona Virus : March 15, 2020

On the advice of the Ministry of Health we are changing our office protocols to ensure minimization of risk to our patients and our staff.

Starting the week of March 16, 2020 we will try to change as many patients visits as we can to virtual electronic visits. Initially most will be by phone. There are some patients who have already made arrangements to come to the office and, if they do, we will see them, once again minimizing risks by using frequent hand washing and minimized personal contact.

For the majority of scheduled patients we will set up visits through OnCall Health. One of the problems with phone visits is that each person requires individualized attention and some visits unexpectedly may take longer than others. We will make every effort to keep on schedule but at times we may be delayed.

Dr Lawrence Komer
Medical Director
The Komer Clinics

Great news! The Komercare Clinics are accepting new patients for brain health, women's health, and men's health. Contact your physician for a referral to the Komercare Clinics. We look forward to serving you! 905-639-2571

New Patients Welcome | COVID-19 Annoucement | Office Updates

Komer Men's Clinic | Dr. Lawrence D. Komer Medical Professional Corporation

Dr. Lawrence D. Komer Medical Professional Corporation

Welcome to the Masters Men’s Andropause Clinic!

Dr. Larry Komer, MD F.R.C.S.C. (Medical Director)

MMC Dr Komer FB

This is your source of information on men’s health including the diagnosis and treatment of male menopause known as andropause.

Whether you’re playing competitive sports, noticing the aches and pains of middle age or are further along life’s road, the Masters Men’s Clinic on andropause, anti-aging and wellness is for you.

There are different challenges and struggles depending on your age, health and life experiences. The role of the Masters Men’s Clinic is to improve the quality of life for every man — no matter where they are on the journey.

This website is a window into what we’re doing at the clinic. Check it out! To keep in touch, sign up for our free email newsletter by clicking on the link . We’ll also announce special events and products on this website.

Welcome to our women visitors as well. We know from our experience in men’s health that is often the spouse or partner who takes the initiative to help men understand their health and well-being.

Concussions TBI PTSD Komer Final Front

Great news! The Komercare Clinics are accepting new patients for brain health, women’s health, and men’s health. Contact your physician for a referral to the Komercare Clinics. We look forward to serving you! 905-639-2571

Men’s Health Seminar


Life Changing!

DrK Counselling MMC

Andropause is real! The large percentage of men with low testosterone are not being treated for their andropause. These results are identical with what we have found in our Canadian clinic. If you or a loved one thinks they are suffering from low testosterone you or they should seek knowledgeable physicians like those at the Masters Men’s Clinic for diagnosis, education and treatment.

Check out this recent article from Journal of the American Medical Association – click here


The Komer Method

The CORNERSTONE of The Komer Method is the attitude that only OPTIMAL is acceptable.

This encompasses optimal levels for hormones, blood chemistry, nutrients, supplements, nutrition, exercise and behavior for each individual.

Many lab ranges are very wide and are accepted as “normal”. Large portions of these ranges include levels that are far from ideal. The Komer Method has developed its own set of optimal ranges, and strives to achieve these for each patient.

When physicians treat abnormal blood sugars or high cholesterol or high blood pressure, they choose the ideal standard as the levels for a healthy young adult. However, when the same physicians correct abnormal hormone levels, they do not follow this practice. In fact, they will accept aging and deterioration of hormone levels as a normal event. Dr. Komer’s belief, and what has worked so successfully in his practice, is that achieving these optimum levels at any age fine tunes the body to minimize the effects of age, time and stress. These levels result in men and women who are their healthiest. They lead to a reduction in long term illness and an increase in well being.

These optimal values have been developed over years of experience, by research by Dr. Komer and others, and by patients reporting back what makes them feel their very best.

The Komer Method has developed its own protocols for diagnosis and for treatment for various conditions, and these have been tested and improved in thousands of individuals. Innovation and continuous improvement of all protocols is ongoing. Medical literature is reviewed daily to integrate new research into The Komer Method.

A major emphasis of the Komer Method has been dedicated to achieving ideal hormone levels in both genders, for such conditions as menopause in women and low testosterone in men.

Dr. Komer also treats other individuals, including both pro and amateur athletes, suffering from concussions or injuries. He has a particularly large percentage of men and women who are in the military, are police officers, correctional officers or firefighters. These professions involve stress and long hours and sometimes trauma, which can lead to abnormal hormone levels. There is especially a need for understanding, assessment and treatment of these individuals.

Dr. Komer has been an innovator in bringing new techniques and new ideas to medicine and has, at times, stood alone in championing ideas that have turned out to be leading edge concepts in medicine. In his personal practice, he has over 12,000 women and 5,000 men in his program who are reaping the benefits of hormone restoration. They are feeling well and happy, functioning optimally and staying healthy.


Komer Clinics

1- Women’s Health

The Komer Women’s Clinic is now the largest clinic in Canada diagnosing, treating and doing research on testosterone deficiency syndrome (Low testosterone) . The clinic has now assessed and treated more than 5000 patients, restoring vitality, happiness and health.

Komer Women’s Centre

2- Brain Health

Normal hormone levels are mandatory for optimal brain function. Disease, injury, stress and aging can lead to poor hormonal function. With a long history of studying and treating hormonal deficiencies in both men and women, Dr. Komer has witnessed the improvements that hormone restoration leads to in improving brain function. His special area of interest is concussions.

The Komer Brain Science Institute

3- Professional Education

Dr. Komer’s work includes presentations to healthcare practitioners and researchers on the clinic’s research and the latest in understanding in women’s heath, men’s health and brain health.

4- Corporate Consulting

The Komer Clinics consult with corporations, insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry to develop wellness programmes and to further research on the applications of The Komer Method to various areas of healthcare.

5- Komercare Group of Associated Clinics

We are expanding a network of Komercare Clinics to enable physicians and others to add the Komercare Protocols to their practice. These clinics are chosen to share the Komercare(r) methods to achieve optimal health. Each clinic in the Komercare Group of Associated is independently owned and operated.

Learn More