COVID-19 is placing stress on Canada's public health system. Our clinic is starting to offer virtual care to make sure that we can continue to care for our patients safely and effectively. This means that we will be using video and audio technologies for some patient visits rather than asking all patients to come into our office. Some of these technologies are provided by the Province. Others have been provided by vendors like Google, or Apple to help make discussions with your care provider as easy as possible during these difficult times. Some health concerns can be addressed with virtual care alone, but in some cases your doctor may ask you to visit a hospital or other health care facility if necessary, for a physical examination.

We do our best to make sure that any information you give to us during virtual care visits is private and secure, but no video or audio tools are ever completely secure. There is an increased security risk that your health information may be intercepted or disclosed to third parties when using video or audio communications tools. To help us keep your information safe and secure, you can:

Understand that emails, calls, or texts you receive are not secure in the same way as a private appointment in an exam room.

Use a private computer/device (i.e., not an employer's or third party's computer/device), secure accounts, and a secure internet connection. For example, using a personal and encrypted email account is more secure than an unencrypted email account, and your access to the Internet on your home network will generally be more secure than an open guest Wi-Fi connection.

You should also understand that electronic communication is not a substitute for in-person communication or clinical examinations, where appropriate, or for attending the Emergency Department when needed (including for any urgent care that may be required).

If you are concerned about using video or audio tools for virtual care, you can ask our office to arrange for you to visit a different healthcare provider or other health care center where you can be seen in person. However, please note that visiting a health care provider in person comes with a higher risk of coming into contact with COVID-19 and the possibility of spreading the virus.

By providing your information, you agree to let us collect, use, or disclose your personal health information through video or audio communications (while following applicable privacy laws) in order to provide you with care. In particular, the following means of electronic communication may be used (identify all that apply): email, videoconferencing (including Skype, Facetime, etc.), text messaging (including instant messaging), website/portal, OnCall.

April 1, 2020

A note to our patients. We have suspended all in-office visits at this time due to COVID 19. However, if you have an appointment currently booked with our office you will receive a call 2 days prior to that appointments. We will advise you how we will be able to proceed. Wishing you and your family safety and vitality during this challenging time.

If you need a renewal your prescriptions during the COVID-19 #stayathome period, please have your pharmacy fax your renewal request. Our fax number is 905-639-7647. Be well!

Update About Our Office During This Outbreak of Corona Virus : March 15, 2020

On the advice of the Ministry of Health we are changing our office protocols to ensure minimization of risk to our patients and our staff.

Starting the week of March 16, 2020 we will try to change as many patients visits as we can to virtual electronic visits. Initially most will be by phone. There are some patients who have already made arrangements to come to the office and, if they do, we will see them, once again minimizing risks by using frequent hand washing and minimized personal contact.

For the majority of scheduled patients we will set up visits through OnCall Health. One of the problems with phone visits is that each person requires individualized attention and some visits unexpectedly may take longer than others. We will make every effort to keep on schedule but at times we may be delayed.

Dr Lawrence Komer
Medical Director
The Komer Clinics

Great news! The Komercare Clinics are accepting new patients for brain health, women's health, and men's health. Contact your physician for a referral to the Komercare Clinics. We look forward to serving you! 905-639-2571

New Patients Welcome | COVID-19 Annoucement | Office Updates

About Andropause | Dr. Lawrence D. Komer Medical Professional Corporation

Dr. Lawrence D. Komer Medical Professional Corporation

What is Andropause?

Andropause is an area of growing interest for physicians, researchers and of course men.

The existence of Andropause is now recognized by the medical world – including the Canadian Andropause Society – and by Canadians alike.

In fact, a recent Angus Reid survey found that 70% of the general public share the belief that men experience a mid-life stage similar to women’s menopause. Andropause (also called “male menopause”) is a normal part of aging; although, for some men it is accompanied by a gradual and undesired decline in their sexuality, mood and overall energy. Sometimes it can even expose men to more serious health risks.

As with women, Andropause begins at a time when life often offers some of its greatest rewards. This site has been designed to arm you with actionable information about Andropause – what causes it and what you can do about it. And if you are going through Andropause, we hope this information will help you maintain a healthy and active quality of life throughout your middle-years.

Between the ages of 40 and 80+, men can experience a clinical syndrome similar to the female menopause, called andropause. For men, unlike women, there isn’t a clear-cut signpost to mark this transition.

Andropause, just like menopause, is characterized by a drop in hormone levels. The bodily changes, as a result of reduced hormones, occur very gradually in men and may be accompanied by adverse changes in attitudes and moods, ongoing fatigue, a loss of vitality, and decreased sex drive. Added to this, there is usually a decline in physical agility and ability. What’s more, medical studies show that this decline in testosterone can actually contribute to the risks for other health problems like heart disease and weak bones.

For most men, since this happens at a time when they are beginning to take stock of their achievements and direction in life, it’s often difficult to realize that the developing changes are related to more than just outside circumstances.

Unlike menopause, which generally occurs in women during their mid-forties to mid-fifties, men’s “transition” may be much more gradual and expand over many decades. Attitude, psychological stress, alcohol, injuries or surgery, medications, obesity and infections can contribute to its onset.


Diagnosing Andropause

A reason why Andropause has been under-diagnosed over the years is that symptoms can be vague and can vary a lot among individuals. Some men find it difficult to admit that there’s even a problem. And often physicians didn’t always think of low testosterone levels as a possible culprit. So these factors often lead doctors to conclude that symptoms were related to other medical conditions (i.e. depression) or were simply related to aging and often encouraged their patients to accept that “they were no longer spring chickens”. But this situation is changing.

New blood testing methods are available and there is a increased interest in men’s’ aging among medical researchers. In fact, so much attention is being focused on Andropause that major efforts are underway to quickly share emerging scientific information with Canadian physicians.


Andropause… New Phenomenon?

Yes and no. Obviously, not for nature. As a clinical phenomenon, andropause was first described in medical literature in the 1940’s. In spite of that description, until now, the ability to effectively diagnose this syndrome has been limited.

Andropause has gone through a long period where it was under-diagnosed and under-treated. In fact, it even went unacknowledged! Fortunately, doctors now have a new sensitive “bioavailable testosterone” test for measuring testosterone. This test measures active testosterone which is the testosterone that is actually doing something. With this technology, andropause has now been identified as a legitimate clinical concern!

Since men are living longer, there is heightened interest in the andropause. At the Masters Men’s Clinic, we are dedicated to improving the clinical approach to this significant life phase which was identified so long ago.


Men… Hormones Decline Gradually

Unlike menopause, which generally occurs in women during their mid-forties to mid-fifties, men’s “transition” is much more gradual and it happens over many decades. Attitude, psychological stress, alcohol, injuries, surgery, medications, obesity and infections can contribute to its onset.

With age, a decline in testosterone levels will occur in virtually all men, although there is no way of predicting who will experience andropause symptoms severe enough to seek medical help, nor is it predictable at what age symptoms will occur in a particular individual. Where andropause is concerned, each man’s symptoms may be different.


A Questionnaire

Review the following questions.
If you answered yes to question #3 or to any two of the other questions, call the Masters Men’s Clinic to see how you can recover your vitality.

Could I Need Help With the Andropause?

  1. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?
  2. Do you often have a general lack of energy?
  3. Do you have a decrease in your sex drive (libido)?
  4. Do you often feel irritable?
  5. Do you take longer to recover from exercise or do your injuries heal less quickly?
  6. Have you noticed a decreased enjoyment of life?
  7. Have you noticed a decline in your ability to participate in recreational activities?
  8. Have you noticed a change with your memory?
  9. Are your erections/ejaculations less strong?
  10. Do you have trouble getting a night of restful sleep?
  11. Is it difficult to get and stay in shape?
  12. Are you eating the same or even less and putting on weight?
  13. Do you feel that you are under chronic stress?
  14. Are you more easily frustrated than previously?
  15. Do you frequently suffer from joint pain or prolonged stiffness?